Bloodied sneakers of a deadly injured gang member, lying next to a splash of blood, are seen on the floor of the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A young gang member, with a gunshot wound to the head, lies on the strecher during the life-saving surgery in the operating room of a public hospital in San Salvador.

Salvadoran women cry in the hospital corridor as they brought a deadly injured family member to the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A team of surgeons remove a bullet from a young gang member’s arm during the life-saving surgery in the operating room of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A Salvadoran woman carries his ill son while seeking an urgent medical help in the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A bloodied hand of a young gang member, with three gunshot wounds, is seen during the life-saving surgery in the operating room of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A Salvadoran barefoot man limps in the hospital corridor while seeking a medical help in the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A team of physicians prepare a young gang member, with three gunshot wounds, for a surgery in the operating room of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A public pay phone is seen hung on the wall in a patio inside the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A team of emergency physicians provide a trauma resuscitation to a young gang member, injured by gunshots, in the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A dead body of a deceased patient, covered by a bath towel, lies on the strecher in the corridor inside the emergency department of a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Emergency Department
San Salvador, El Salvador – February - December 2015
Salvadoran emergency physicians, following the Hippocratic Oath, save people’s lives, no matter of their social status, no matter of their criminal activities, providing trauma resuscitations and general medical care for free in the emergency department of Hospital Rosales, a public hospital in San Salvador, El Salvador.
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