A Colombian farm worker displays a chrysanthemum cutting with a root ball in the nursery at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker collects throatwort flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker picks up chrysanthemum flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

An artificial lake, a source of water for irrigation, is seen in front of greenhouses in a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker harvests pink and white snapdragon flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker carries bouquets of chrysanthemum flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker picks up chrysanthemum flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker collects chrysanthemum flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

A Colombian farm worker rides a cargo bicycle loaded with bouquets of flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Colombia.

Cut flower production in Colombia
Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia – March 2024
Colombian farm workers pick up (chrysanthemum and/or snapdragon) flowers at a cut flower farm in Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia. Colombia is one of the largest exporters of cut flowers globally, with approximately 80% of its production destined for the U.S. market. The year-round consistent climate at high altitudes and the use of modern technologies ensure high quality and longevity in flowers grown on Colombian plateaus. Along with low labor costs and logistical proximity, these factors make Colombia’s cut flower production highly competitive in the U.S. market.
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